Characteristics of a Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31: Debunking the Superwoman Myth

What we dive into in this episode: 

  • The societal expectation for women to excel in every role
  • Characteristics of the Proverbs 31 Woman
  • Maintaining a genuine connection with God amidst daily tasks
  • Strategies that promote realistic time management
  • Daily self-care routines & boundary setting
  • Proverbs 31:10-31 and seeking purpose in daily tasks

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What are the characteristics of a Proverbs 31 woman? The Proverbs 31 woman is a woman of devotion. She cares for her husband, cares for her home, and works with willing hands. She will be up before the sun getting “spiritual food” for her family and doesn’t fill her plate so full that she can’t do her best with her current job. She makes smart decisions when it comes to spending money, doesn’t let fear or doubt put out her light for God, and helps those in need. She doesn’t gossip, feel discontent, or have a pity party for herself. She’s not praised because she is a good businesswoman or homemaker, or because she gives. She is praised because she fears the lord and she follows him with her WHOLE life. She’s the ultimate role model and mentor for women

Superwoman Complex Myth

Have you ever experienced the Superwoman Complex? Whether you’re a busy mom or just simply busy, it is so easy for us to fall into the Superwoman Complex. We think we have to do everything together all at once, but also crush it on every role we take on until we burn out and throw a pity party for ourselves. Throughout doing all of this there is still an expectation to make it look easy, hence the term, Superwoman Complex. Adding and adding to our plate until we inevitably become so stressed and lose sight of what is most important, God and family. 

Mom Burnout

In the podcast, Noel gives the perspective of the Mom Burnout, which is much more common than some may think. Amongst motherhood and taking care of her children, Noel had other responsibilities that brought her into the Superwoman Complex. Between motherhood, running her own business, and being involved in the church, Noel put so much time and effort into giving everything in the office and at church, but only had the crumbs left for her family. This leads to the burnout most moms and even most women face when wanting to do it all and make it seem easy. Whether they are facing stay-at-home burnout or working mom burnout, it still seems to be inevitable when you are trapped by the myth of the Superwoman Complex, but becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman can help that.

From Superwoman to Proverbs 31 Woman  

How can you change from being a Superwoman to being a Proverbs 31 Woman? You need to first be intentional with boundaries. A lot of boundaries can stem from a lack of boundaries, which are needed in every area of your life. Setting boundaries is not easy, especially with people. The people you are going to set boundaries with are going to have a problem with it, but it is necessary and it will be a game-changer for your own personal and spiritual growth. Realistic time management is another key factor in morphing into a Proverbs 31 Woman. How do you do all the things and get them done in a day? It is setting realistic time management goals. Staying to a strict and intentional schedule is the most important factor in setting realistic time management. Finally, self-care is a very important element because although it may not look the way you think, it is still so important. It may not be a spa day or anything special, but simply just time with God, and just giving yourself a moment to rest. By following this you can become the Proverbs 31 Woman you aspire to be. 

So, what does it look like to be a Proverbs 31 Woman? It’s seeking wisdom, being honest, seeking the lord, and being faithful. Haley and Noel invite you to revive your spirit and read Proverbs 31:10-31.