Digital Entrepreneur: Our Origin Stories

An Entrepreneur Was Born

What we dive into in this episode: 

  • Struggling with self-doubt as a digital entrepreneur
  • Turning pain into purpose and power 
  • The inevitability of failure and pressing through the hard times 
  • The power of your words and dreams 
  • Leveling up your friend group
  • Meditate on Proverbs 23:7

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Stories of a Faith-Driven Entrepreneur

Many think entrepreneurs are born with special talents and skills or have rich families to hand them businesses. However, experts say most learn how to be entrepreneurs. While opinions vary, many entrepreneurs believe entrepreneurship can be taught and depends on what you know and where you are. 

And what we say? If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen. Period. 

Haley and Noel have utilized their dark seasons as fuel to launch their dream businesses. Although self-doubt, failed dreams, and setbacks happened, they turned that pain into purpose and power. In the episode An Entrepreneur Was Born, they encourage listeners to use their God-given talents, pursue their dreams, and keep going even through hard times. 

Haley was once depressed and suicidal but had the seed of thought that she was meant for more. Having worked as a licensed mental health clinician for nearly a decade, she was burned out and at a dead end. She needed inspiration. Together at a business event in Nashville, TN God dropped a word of inspiration to them both. Speaking what the Lord laid on her heart, Noel encouraged Haley to pursue her dreams of freedom. Time freedom. Money freedom. Freedom in her mind and heart. Haley shares her story of what it took to become a successful multi-six-figure entrepreneur, and she doesn’t shy away from the good, bad, or ugly. 

Noel dreamed of being a make-up artist and one day having her own beauty line but, being from a small town with little economic opportunities, Noel didn’t believe she could ever do it. Giving up her dream and entering the 9-5 life, Noel worked her life away in a dead-end job she hated. Eventually working at a DMV, which she dubs the most miserable place in the world, she knew enough was enough. She had to make a change and pursue her dreams, whether she succeeded or failed. She had to try. 
Noel shares her story of fighting for her dreams, handling an unsupportive husband along the way, and becoming one of the top leaders in her industry. Oh, and as for her beauty line? It exists. You can shop it here.